Thursday, October 16, 2008

really? microwave popcorn?

If you know me you know that microwave popcorn is nasty to me. You eat it out of the bag and your hand comes away with a layer of orange grease, that is not a great snack. I gave up microwave popcorn for ages and always air popped it. I wanted to have some microwave handy for those times when i am trying to work while the 3 yr old naps and the popper is loud so I bit

the bullet and looked around yesterday while I ws at the market. I found the natural line without a ton of extras it is called Natural Simply Salted from Orville Redenbacher. I must say I liked it! It didn't get my hand gross - it was butterish on my hands but still I thought it tasted similar to air popped. My microwave is happy as I normally use it as an expensive timer. I was surprised at how different the popcorn is from the last time i got popcorn!

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